Long-Term Effects of Emotional Abuse

While physical abuse often leaves visible marks, emotional abuse can inflict equally devastating, long-lasting damage that may not be immediately apparent. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior used to exert power and control over another person through fear and … Read More

Did You Know These Things Are Illegal?

When we talk about intimate partner violence, it’s important to understand that various other illegal activities often accompany such abuse. Below are some of those illegal activities and their consequences, specifically within the context of intimate partner violence. 1) Witness … Read More

Recognizing Coercive Control

In the context of abusive intimate partner relationships, we often talk about physical abuse, but a lesser known and discussed form of abuse, known as coercive control, can be just as damaging. Coercive control is a pattern of behavior that … Read More

The Science of Hope

Hope is a powerful and multifaceted emotion that plays a crucial role in our mental health, resilience, and overall outlook on life. It’s more than just wishful thinking. Hope is deeply rooted in neuroscience, psychology, and even influences our physical … Read More

Five Ways Domestic Violence Affects Children

Domestic violence not only affects the immediate victims but can also leave a profound impact on those who witness it, especially children. Every year, between three and ten million children witness domestic violence between their parents or caregivers. While they … Read More

Spiritual Abuse is Abuse

Spiritual abuse is the misuse of spiritual or religious beliefs to manipulate, control, or harm others. An abusive partner may exploit their partner’s spiritual or religious beliefs to exert power and assert or maintain dominance. It can be difficult to … Read More

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